- FAI-IGC estimates over 150,000 active soaring pilots worldwide, with 80% in Europe
- FAA records suggest approximately 38,000 glider-rated pilots in USA. SSA has 14,000 members
- USA has 180 soaring Clubs (125 SSA Chapters), 150 Commercial Operators and soaring businesses
- Every State in the Union has soaring activity, including AK and HI, 1-2 hours from any big city
- Most active USA operation: USAF Academy. 800 solos/year, up to 100 flights/day
- Typical USA soaring club will have 50 members, 3 gliders, 1 towplane, and make 2,000 flights/year
- Adult Costs at typical club: $300 initiation, $30/mo. dues, $15/aerotow, $5/groundtow, $5/flight
- FAA registry shows about 5,000 sailplanes in USA (1,000 trainers, 2,000 contest ships)
- New two-seat training sailplanes cost about $30,000 (Metal, E Europe) to $80,000 (Fiberglass, Germany)
- New single-seat contest sailplanes range from $20,000 (World Class) to $120,000 (Open Class)
- USA has 4 domestic manufacturers, all offering composite kits, none offering two-seaters
- Used sailplanes retain value ($8,000 1967 Libelle is $16,000 today), can be had for under $10,000