N505PB Library

Various documentation and manuals related to N505PB.


For trailers built since 2002

Winter Variometer
 460.97 KB

Winter mechanical variometer.

Becker AR 6201 Manual
 983.38 KB

Manual for Becker Single Block VHF/AM Transceiver.

Mountain High EDS O2D2 Manual
 574.56 KB

Pulse delivery oxygen system.

Data logger calibration chart. Typically requires calibration every 5 years.

Trig TT21 Operating Manual
 182.55 KB

Trig mode S transponder.

Flarm Butterfly Display
 909.67 KB

Flarm warning system.

LXNAV S100 Standalone Vario
 12 KB

Vario, Speed to Fly, Navigation & FLARM target display in a single instrument.

 12 KB

The PowerFLARM Core is both the heart and the brain of the FLARM system. It handles all radio communication and data processing as well as collision risk calculations. The device is mounted behind the panel together with other avionics boxes. It’s connected to a FLARM display which is mounted in the panel.

PowerFlarm Portable Product Sheet
 159.86 KB

For aircraft where a behind the panel installation is not possible, the PowerFLARM Portable is available for flexible fitting. This device incorporates a display as well as a control knob and can easily be placed e.g. on the glare shield.

PowerFlarm Portable Manual
 745.49 KB

A PowerFLARM™ device gets its position and movement information from an internal GPS receiver. The device calculates the predicted future flight path and transmits this information as a short, low-power digital signal burst up to twice per second together with a unique identification code. At the same time, the device receives similar signals from FLARM devices installed in other aircraft and within radio range, as well as from aircraft equipped with ADS-B Out